• Castellano
  • Castellano
  • Castellano


Surprise your guests with this visual audio guide!

It is a system for providing information through iPad or tablets. It consists of software customization and updating of the visit and tablets for a surprising visit to your facilities.

How it works

iPads / tablets can be delivered by hand or be fixed as points of information. See the different ways to place in your facilities.

  • Improving the perception of visitors in the facility.
  • Increases the quality of the visit providing more information.
  • Increases the time the information is remembered.
  • The availability of the guided tour of the museum through an interactive book.
  • Include photographs, texts and narratives of the works you want.
  • Test your visitors with questions and games on your museum.
La tecnología más innovadora

Most innovative technology

Garantía de tres años

Quality guaranteed for three years

Satisfacción garantizada

Satisfaction guaranteed fifteen days

Demostración gratuita

Request budget or information

© 2014 - Vloo Solutions S.L. - Pólg. Téc. Armilla-Ogíjares, C/Burgos, Edificio CIE - Módulo 4. 18151 Granada (España)

Teléfono: +34 958 99 00 54 - Email: info@vlooguides.com